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Laws about Animals for Food | ||||
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1 The LORD spoke again to Moses and to Aaron, saying to them, | 1 And the LORD spake unto Moses and to Aaron, saying unto them, | 1 The LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron, | 1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying to them, | 1 And Jehovah spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying to them, | 2 "Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, 'These are the creatures which you may eat from all the animals that are on the earth. | 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, These are the beasts which ye shall eat among all the beasts that are on the earth. | 2 "Tell the Israelites: Here are the kinds of land animals you may eat: | 2 "Speak to the children of Israel, saying, 'These are the living things which you may eat among all the animals that are on the earth. | 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, These are the animals which ye shall eat of all the beasts which are on the earth. | 3 Whatever divides a hoof, thus making split hoofs, and chews the cud, among the animals, that you may eat. | 3 Whatsoever parteth the hoof, and is cloven-footed, and cheweth the cud, among the beasts, that shall ye eat. | 3 all animals that have completely divided hoofs and that also chew their cud. | 3 Whatever parts the hoof, and is cloven-footed, and chews the cud among the animals, that you may eat. | 3 Whatever hath cloven hoofs, and feet quite split open, and cheweth the cud, among the beasts that shall ye eat. | 4 'Nevertheless, you are not to eat of these, among those which chew the cud, or among those which divide the hoof: the camel, for though it chews cud, it does not divide the hoof, it is unclean to you. | 4 Nevertheless these shall ye not eat of them that chew the cud, or of them that divide the hoof: as the camel, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you. | 4 However, from those that either chew their cud or have divided hoofs, these are the kinds you must never eat: You must never eat camels. (Camels are unclean because they chew their cud but do not have divided hoofs.) | 4 "'Nevertheless these you shall not eat of those that chew the cud, or of those who part the hoof: the camel, because he chews the cud but doesn't have a parted hoof, he is unclean to you. | 4 Only these shall ye not eat of those that chew the cud, or of those with cloven hoofs: the camel, for it cheweth the cud, but hath not cloven hoofs it shall be unclean unto you; | 5 'Likewise, the shaphan, for though it chews cud, it does not divide the hoof, it is unclean to you; | 5 And the coney, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you. | 5 You must never eat rock badgers. (Rock badgers are unclean because they chew their cud but do not have divided hoofs.) | 5 The coney, because he chews the cud but doesn't have a parted hoof, he is unclean to you. | 5 and the rock-badger, for it cheweth the cud, but hath not cloven hoofs it shall be unclean unto you; | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
6 the rabbit also, for though it chews cud, it does not divide the hoof, it is unclean to you; | 6 And the hare, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you. | 6 You must never eat rabbits. (Rabbits are unclean because they chew their cud but do not have divided hoofs.) | 6 The hare, because she chews the cud but doesn't part the hoof, she is unclean to you. | 6 and the hare, for it cheweth the cud, but hath not cloven hoofs it shall be unclean unto you; | 7 and the pig, for though it divides the hoof, thus making a split hoof, it does not chew cud, it is unclean to you. | 7 And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be cloven-footed, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you. | 7 You must never eat pigs. (Because pigs have completely divided hoofs but do not chew their cud, they are also unclean.) | 7 The pig, because he has a split hoof, and is cloven-footed, but doesn't chew the cud, he is unclean to you. | 7 and the swine, for it hath cloven hoofs, and feet quite split open, but it cheweth not the cud it shall be unclean unto you. | 8 'You shall not eat of their flesh nor touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you. | 8 Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch; they are unclean to you. | 8 Never eat the meat of these animals or touch their dead bodies. They are unclean for you. | 8 Of their flesh you shall not eat, and their carcasses you shall not touch; they are unclean to you. | 8 Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcase shall ye not touch: they shall be unclean unto you. | 9 'These you may eat, whatever is in the water: all that have fins and scales, those in the water, in the seas or in the rivers, you may eat. | 9 These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat. | 9 "Here are the kinds of creatures that live in the water which you may eat-anything in the seas and streams that has fins and scales. | 9 "'These you may eat of all that are in the waters: whatever has fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, that you may eat. | 9 These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatever hath fins and scales in waters, in seas and in rivers, these shall ye eat; | 10 'But whatever is in the seas and in the rivers that does not have fins and scales among all the teeming life of the water, and among all the living creatures that are in the water, they are detestable things to you, | 10 And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you: | 10 However, you must consider all swarming creatures living in the seas or the streams that have no fins or scales disgusting. | 10 All that don't have fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of all the living creatures that are in the waters, they are an abomination to you, | 10 but all that have not fins and scales in seas and in rivers, of all that swarm in the waters, and of every living soul which is in the waters they shall be an abomination unto you. | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
11 and they shall be abhorrent to you; you may not eat of their flesh, and their carcasses you shall detest. | 11 They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcasses in abomination. | 11 They must remain disgusting to you. Never eat their meat. Consider their dead bodies disgusting. | 11 and you detest them. You shall not eat of their flesh, and you shall detest their carcasses. | 11 They shall be even an abomination unto you: of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcase ye shall have in abomination. | 12 'Whatever in the water does not have fins and scales is abhorrent to you. | 12 Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you. | 12 Every creature in the water without fins or scales is disgusting to you. | 12 Whatever has no fins nor scales in the waters, that is an abomination to you. | 12 Whatever in the waters hath no fins and scales, that shall be an abomination unto you. | Avoid the Unclean |
13 'These, moreover, you shall detest among the birds; they are abhorrent, not to be eaten: the eagle and the vulture and the buzzard, | 13 And these are they which ye shall have in abomination among the fowls; they shall not be eaten, they are an abomination: the eagle, and the ossifrage, and the ospray, | 13 "Here are the kinds of birds you must consider disgusting and must not eat. They are eagles, bearded vultures, black vultures, | 13 "'These you shall detest among the birds; they shall not be eaten, they are an abomination: the eagle, and the vulture, and the black vulture, | 13 And these shall ye have in abomination of the fowls; they shall not be eaten; an abomination shall they be: the eagle, and the ossifrage, and the sea-eagle, | 14 and the kite and the falcon in its kind, | 14 And the vulture, and the kite after his kind; | 14 kites, all types of buzzards, | 14 and the red kite, any kind of black kite, | 14 and the falcon, and the kite, after its kind; | 15 every raven in its kind, | 15 Every raven after his kind; | 15 all types of crows, | 15 any kind of raven, | 15 every raven after its kind; | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
16 and the ostrich and the owl and the sea gull and the hawk in its kind, | 16 And the owl, and the night hawk, and the cuckoo, and the hawk after his kind, | 16 ostriches, nighthawks, seagulls, all types of falcons, | 16 the horned owl, the screech owl, and the gull, any kind of hawk, | 16 and the female ostrich and the male ostrich, and the sea-gull, and the hawk, after its kind; | 17 and the little owl and the cormorant and the great owl, | 17 And the little owl, and the cormorant, and the great owl, | 17 little owls, cormorants, great owls, | 17 the little owl, the cormorant, the great owl, | 17 and the owl, and the gannet, and the ibis, | 18 and the white owl and the pelican and the carrion vulture, | 18 And the swan, and the pelican, and the gier eagle, | 18 barn owls, pelicans, ospreys, | 18 the white owl, the desert owl, the osprey, | 18 and the swan, and the pelican, and the carrion vulture, | 19 and the stork, the heron in its kinds, and the hoopoe, and the bat. | 19 And the stork, the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and the bat. | 19 storks, all types of herons, hoopoes, and bats. | 19 the stork, any kind of heron, the hoopoe, and the bat. | 19 and the stork; the heron after its kind, and the hoopoe, and the bat. | 20 All the winged insects that walk on all fours are detestable to you. | 20 All fowls that creep, going upon all four, shall be an abomination unto you. | 20 "Every swarming, winged insect that walks across the ground like a four-legged animal is disgusting to you. | 20 "'All flying insects that walk on all fours are an abomination to you. | 20 Every winged crawling thing that goeth upon all four shall be an abomination unto you. | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
21 Yet these you may eat among all the winged insects which walk on all fours: those which have above their feet jointed legs with which to jump on the earth. | 21 Yet these may ye eat of every flying creeping thing that goeth upon all four, which have legs above their feet, to leap withal upon the earth; | 21 However, you may eat winged insects that swarm if they use their legs to hop on the ground. | 21 Yet you may eat these: of all winged creeping things that go on all fours, which have legs above their feet, with which to hop on the earth. | 21 Yet these shall ye eat of every winged crawling thing that goeth upon all four: those which have legs above their feet with which to leap upon the earth. | 22 'These of them you may eat: the locust in its kinds, and the devastating locust in its kinds, and the cricket in its kinds, and the grasshopper in its kinds. | 22 Even these of them ye may eat; the locust after his kind, and the bald locust after his kind, and the beetle after his kind, and the grasshopper after his kind. | 22 You may eat any kind of locust, cricket, katydid, or grasshopper. | 22 Even of these you may eat: any kind of locust, any kind of katydid, any kind of cricket, and any kind of grasshopper. | 22 These shall ye eat of them: the arbeh after its kind, and the solam after its kind, and the hargol after its kind, and the hargab after its kind. | 23 'But all other winged insects which are four-footed are detestable to you. | 23 But all other flying creeping things, which have four feet, shall be an abomination unto you. | 23 Every kind of winged insect that walks across the ground like a four-legged animal is disgusting to you. | 23 But all winged creeping things which have four feet, are an abomination to you. | 23 But every winged crawling thing that hath four feet shall be an abomination unto you. | 24 'By these, moreover, you will be made unclean: whoever touches their carcasses becomes unclean until evening, | 24 And for these ye shall be unclean: whosoever toucheth the carcass of them shall be unclean until the even. | 24 "Regarding the creatures mentioned above, this is how you would become unclean: Whoever touches their dead bodies will be unclean until evening. | 24 "'By these you will become unclean: whoever touches the carcass of them shall be unclean until the evening. | 24 And by these ye shall make yourselves unclean; whoever toucheth their carcase shall be unclean until the even. | 25 and whoever picks up any of their carcasses shall wash his clothes and be unclean until evening. | 25 And whosoever beareth ought of the carcass of them shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the even. | 25 Whoever carries any part of their dead bodies must wash his clothes. He will be unclean until evening. | 25 Whoever carries any part of their carcass shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening. | 25 And whoever carrieth ought of their carcase shall wash his garments, and be unclean until the even. | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
26 Concerning all the animals which divide the hoof but do not make a split hoof, or which do not chew cud, they are unclean to you: whoever touches them becomes unclean. | 26 The carcasses of every beast which divideth the hoof, and is not cloven-footed, nor cheweth the cud, are unclean unto you: every one that toucheth them shall be unclean. | 26 All animals whose hoofs are not completely divided or that don't chew their cud are unclean for you. Whoever touches them is unclean. | 26 "'Every animal which parts the hoof, and is not cloven-footed, nor chews the cud, is unclean to you. Everyone who touches them shall be unclean. | 26 Every beast that hath cloven hoofs, but not feet quite split open, nor cheweth the cud, shall be unclean unto you: every one that toucheth them shall be unclean. | 27 Also whatever walks on its paws, among all the creatures that walk on all fours, are unclean to you; whoever touches their carcasses becomes unclean until evening, | 27 And whatsoever goeth upon his paws, among all manner of beasts that go on all four, those are unclean unto you: whoso toucheth their carcass shall be unclean until the even. | 27 All four-legged animals that walk on their paws are unclean for you. Whoever touches their dead bodies will be unclean until evening. | 27 Whatever goes on its paws, among all animals that go on all fours, they are unclean to you. Whoever touches their carcass shall be unclean until the evening. | 27 And whatever goeth on its paws, among all manner of beasts that go upon all four, those are unclean unto you: whoever toucheth their carcase shall be unclean until the even. | 28 and the one who picks up their carcasses shall wash his clothes and be unclean until evening; they are unclean to you. | 28 And he that beareth the carcass of them shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the even: they are unclean unto you. | 28 Those who carry the dead body of any of these animals must wash their clothes and will be unclean until evening. These animals are unclean for you. | 28 He who carries their carcass shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening. They are unclean to you. | 28 And he that carrieth their carcase shall wash his garments, and be unclean until the even: they shall be unclean unto you. | 29 'Now these are to you the unclean among the swarming things which swarm on the earth: the mole, and the mouse, and the great lizard in its kinds, | 29 These also shall be unclean unto you among the creeping things that creep upon the earth; the weasel, and the mouse, and the tortoise after his kind, | 29 "The following swarming creatures that move on the ground are unclean for you-moles, mice, and all types of lizards: | 29 "'These are they which are unclean to you among the creeping things that creep on the earth: the weasel, the rat, any kind of great lizard, | 29 And these shall be unclean unto you among the crawling things which crawl on the earth: the mole, and the field-mouse, and the lizard, after its kind; | 30 and the gecko, and the crocodile, and the lizard, and the sand reptile, and the chameleon. | 30 And the ferret, and the chameleon, and the lizard, and the snail, and the mole. | 30 geckos, monitors, lizards, skinks, and chameleons. | 30 the gecko, and the monitor lizard, the wall lizard, the skink, and the chameleon. | 30 and the groaning lizard, and the great red lizard, and the climbing lizard, and the chomet, and the chameleon. | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
31 'These are to you the unclean among all the swarming things; whoever touches them when they are dead becomes unclean until evening. | 31 These are unclean to you among all that creep: whosoever doth touch them, when they be dead, shall be unclean until the even. | 31 Among all the swarming creatures that move on the ground, these are unclean for you. Whoever touches their dead bodies will be unclean until evening. | 31 These are they which are unclean to you among all that creep. Whoever touches them when they are dead, shall be unclean until the evening. | 31 These shall be unclean unto you among all that crawl: whoever toucheth them when they are dead, shall be unclean until the even. | 32 'Also anything on which one of them may fall when they are dead becomes unclean, including any wooden article, or clothing, or a skin, or a sack-- any article of which use is made-- it shall be put in the water and be unclean until evening, then it becomes clean. | 32 And upon whatsoever any of them, when they are dead, doth fall, it shall be unclean; whether it be any vessel of wood, or raiment, or skin, or sack, whatsoever vessel it be, wherein any work is done, it must be put into water, and it shall be unclean until the even; so it shall be cleansed. | 32 When the dead body of one of these creatures falls on something, that thing will be unclean. It may be a wooden article, clothing, leather, a sack, or anything used for any purpose. It should be put in water and will be unclean until evening. Then it will be clean [again]. | 32 On whatever any of them falls when they are dead, it shall be unclean; whether it is any vessel of wood, or clothing, or skin, or sack, whatever vessel it is, with which any work is done, it must be put into water, and it shall be unclean until the evening; then it will be clean. | 32 And on whatever any of them when they are dead doth fall, it shall be unclean; all vessels of wood, or garment, or skin, or sack, every vessel wherewith work is done it shall be put into water, and be unclean until the even; then shall it be clean. | 33 'As for any earthenware vessel into which one of them may fall, whatever is in it becomes unclean and you shall break the vessel. | 33 And every earthen vessel, whereinto any of them falleth, whatsoever is in it shall be unclean; and ye shall break it. | 33 "If any of these creatures falls into a piece of pottery, break the pottery because everything in it is unclean. | 33 Every earthen vessel, into which any of them falls, all that is in it shall be unclean, and you shall break it. | 33 And every earthen vessel into which any of them falleth whatever is in it shall be unclean; and ye shall break it. | 34 'Any of the food which may be eaten, on which water comes, shall become unclean, and any liquid which may be drunk in every vessel shall become unclean. | 34 Of all meat which may be eaten, that on which such water cometh shall be unclean: and all drink that may be drunk in every such vessel shall be unclean. | 34 If water [from that pottery] touches any food, the food is unclean. Any liquid that you drink from that pottery is unclean. | 34 All food which may be eaten, that on which water comes, shall be unclean; and all drink that may be drunk in every such vessel shall be unclean. | 34 All food that is eaten on which such water hath come shall be unclean; and all drink that is drunk shall be unclean, in every such vessel. | 35 'Everything, moreover, on which part of their carcass may fall becomes unclean; an oven or a stove shall be smashed; they are unclean and shall continue as unclean to you. | 35 And every thing whereupon any part of their carcass falleth shall be unclean; whether it be oven, or ranges for pots, they shall be broken down: for they are unclean and shall be unclean unto you. | 35 Anything on which their dead bodies fall is unclean. If it is an oven or a stove, smash it. It is unclean and will remain unclean for you. | 35 Everything whereupon part of their carcass falls shall be unclean; whether oven, or range for pots, it shall be broken in pieces: they are unclean, and shall be unclean to you. | 35 And everything where upon any part of their carcase falleth shall be unclean; oven and hearth shall be broken down: they are unclean, and shall be unclean unto you. | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
36 'Nevertheless a spring or a cistern collecting water shall be clean, though the one who touches their carcass shall be unclean. | 36 Nevertheless a fountain or pit, wherein there is plenty of water, shall be clean: but that which toucheth their carcass shall be unclean. | 36 However, a spring or a cistern holding water will remain clean. But anyone who touches their dead bodies will be unclean. | 36 Nevertheless a spring or a cistern in which water is a gathered shall be clean: but that which touches their carcass shall be unclean. | 36 Nevertheless, a spring or a well, a quantity of water, shall be clean. But he that toucheth their carcase shall be unclean. | 37 'If a part of their carcass falls on any seed for sowing which is to be sown, it is clean. | 37 And if any part of their carcass fall upon any sowing seed which is to be sown, it shall be clean. | 37 If their dead bodies fall on seed that is to be planted, the seed is clean. | 37 If part of their carcass falls on any sowing seed which is to be sown, it is clean. | 37 And if any part of their carcase fall upon any sowing-seed which is to be sown, it shall be clean; | 38 'Though if water is put on the seed and a part of their carcass falls on it, it is unclean to you. | 38 But if any water be put upon the seed, and any part of their carcass fall thereon, it shall be unclean unto you. | 38 But if water is poured on the seed and their dead bodies fall on it, the seed is unclean for you. | 38 But if water is put on the seed, and part of their carcass falls on it, it is unclean to you. | 38 but if water have been put on the seed, and any part of their carcase fall thereon, it shall be unclean unto you. | 39 'Also if one of the animals dies which you have for food, the one who touches its carcass becomes unclean until evening. | 39 And if any beast, of which ye may eat, die; he that toucheth the carcass thereof shall be unclean until the even. | 39 "When any animal that you are allowed to eat dies, whoever touches its dead body will be unclean until evening. | 39 "'If any animal, of which you may eat, dies; he who touches its carcass shall be unclean until the evening. | 39 And if any beast which is to you for food die, he that toucheth the carcase thereof shall be unclean until the even. | 40 'He too, who eats some of its carcass shall wash his clothes and be unclean until evening, and the one who picks up its carcass shall wash his clothes and be unclean until evening. | 40 And he that eateth of the carcass of it shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the even: he also that beareth the carcass of it shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the even. | 40 Those who eat any of its dead body must wash their clothes and will be unclean until evening. Those who carry its dead body away will wash their clothes and will be unclean until evening. | 40 He who eats of its carcass shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening. He also who carries its carcass shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening. | 40 And he that eateth of its carcase shall wash his garments, and be unclean until the even: he also that carrieth its carcase shall wash his garments, and be unclean until the even. | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
41 'Now every swarming thing that swarms on the earth is detestable, not to be eaten. | 41 And every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth shall be an abomination; it shall not be eaten. | 41 "Any creature that swarms on the ground is disgusting and must not be eaten. | 41 "'Every creeping thing that creeps on the earth is an abomination. It shall not be eaten. | 41 And every crawling thing which crawleth on the earth shall be an abomination; it shall not be eaten. | 42 Whatever crawls on its belly, and whatever walks on all fours, whatever has many feet, in respect to every swarming thing that swarms on the earth, you shall not eat them, for they are detestable. | 42 Whatsoever goeth upon the belly, and whatsoever goeth upon all four, or whatsoever hath more feet among all creeping things that creep upon the earth, them ye shall not eat; for they are an abomination. | 42 Don't eat any creature with many legs that goes on its belly or on the ground like a four-legged animal, or any creature that swarms on the ground. Consider them disgusting. | 42 Whatever goes on its belly, and whatever goes on all fours, or whatever has many feet, even all creeping things that creep on the earth, them you shall not eat; for they are an abomination. | 42 Whatever goeth on the belly, and whatever goeth on all four, and all that have a great many feet, of every manner of crawling thing which crawleth on the earth these ye shall not eat; for they are an abomination. | 43 'Do not render yourselves detestable through any of the swarming things that swarm; and you shall not make yourselves unclean with them so that you become unclean. | 43 Ye shall not make yourselves abominable with any creeping thing that creepeth, neither shall ye make yourselves unclean with them, that ye should be defiled thereby. | 43 Don't become disgusting by eating anything that swarms on the ground. Never allow yourselves to become unclean because of them. | 43 You shall not make yourselves abominable with any creeping thing that creeps, neither shall you make yourselves unclean with them, that you should be defiled thereby. | 43 Ye shall not make yourselves abominable through any crawling thing which crawleth, neither shall ye make yourselves unclean with them, that ye should be defiled thereby. | 44 'For I am the LORD your God. Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am holy. And you shall not make yourselves unclean with any of the swarming things that swarm on the earth. | 44 For I am the LORD your God: ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy; for I am holy: neither shall ye defile yourselves with any manner of creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. | 44 "Here is the reason: I am the LORD your God. You must live holy lives. Be holy because I am holy. Never become unclean by touching anything that swarms or crawls on the ground. | 44 For I am Yahweh your God. Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be holy; for I am holy: neither shall you defile yourselves with any kind of creeping thing that moves on the earth. | 44 For I am Jehovah your God; and ye shall hallow yourselves, and ye shall be holy; for I am holy; and ye shall not make yourselves unclean through any manner of crawling thing which creepeth on the earth. | 45 'For I am the LORD who brought you up from the land of Egypt to be your God; thus you shall be holy, for I am holy.'" | 45 For I am the LORD that bringeth you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy. | 45 Here is the reason [again]: I am the LORD. I brought you out of Egypt to be your God. Be holy because I am holy. | 45 For I am Yahweh who brought you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God. You shall therefore be holy, for I am holy. | 45 For I am Jehovah who brought you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy. | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
46 This is the law regarding the animal and the bird, and every living thing that moves in the waters and everything that swarms on the earth, | 46 This is the law of the beasts, and of the fowl, and of every living creature that moveth in the waters, and of every creature that creepeth upon the earth: | 46 "These are the instructions about animals, birds, and every living creature that swims in the water and every creature that swarms on the ground. | 46 "'This is the law of the animal, and of the bird, and of every living creature that moves in the waters, and of every creature that creeps on the earth, | 46 This is the law of cattle, and of fowl, and of every living soul that moveth in the waters, and of every soul that crawleth on the earth; | 47 to make a distinction between the unclean and the clean, and between the edible creature and the creature which is not to be eaten. | 47 To make a difference between the unclean and the clean, and between the beast that may be eaten and the beast that may not be eaten. | 47 These instructions help you distinguish between clean and unclean, the animals you may eat and those you may not eat." | 47 to make a distinction between the unclean and the clean, and between the living thing that may be eaten and the living thing that may not be eaten.'" | 47 to make a difference between the unclean and the clean, and between the beast that is to be eaten and the beast that is not to be eaten. |
<< Leviticus 11 >> New American Standard Bible Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit http://www.lockman.org. GOD'S WORD is a copyrighted work of God's Word to the Nations. Quotations are used by permission. Copyright 1995 by God's Word to the Nations. All rights reserved. The World English Bible is a 1997 revision of the American Standard Version of the Holy Bible, first published in 1901. It is in the Public Domain. Please feel free to copy and distribute it freely. Thank you to Michael Paul Johnson for making this work available. For the latest information, to report corrections, or for other correspondence, visit www.ebible.org. |